360 Degree Employee

Shawnee Love   •  
June 6, 2012

A 360 degree employee is someone who manages up, down and sideways including management, peers, suppliers, team members, and customers.

This type of employee is a rare commodity but worth his weight in gold because he represents the triumvarate of desirable characteristics in an employee.

  1. Resourceful: Figures it out. Knows where to go or who to go to in order to get things done.
  2. Ownership: Takes responsibility for getting things done, and doesn’t stop until completion. Treats the company’s resources as if they were his own.  As good as his word. First in, last to leave.
  3. Initiative:  Jumps on challenges before being asked.  Brings solutions (not problems) to the table.

As the acronym would suggest, hire a 360 Degree employee and ROI follows.