Here we will provide you with links to useful online resources. We only include the information we have vetted and can recommend. We hope you like them too.
LoveHR Innovation Infographic for employers looking to leverage the power of the team.
A LoveHR Social Media Glossary for employers new to social media.
Psychologically Healthy Workplaces are all the rage. Here is a Psychological Health & Safety Employers Guide so you can be one too!
Great article on how a leader can give financial focus to Q1 from the people at E-myth
LoveHR Minimum Wages in Canada June 2023 for a quick reference on minimum hourly wages across the provinces and territories
Employee vs. Contractor by Revenue Canada for a useful source of information on determining whether you have employees or contractors
Don’t spend more time researching and buying a tv. Hire Slow
Retaining Employees Through Change articulates key considerations during change and has an easy methodology to follow
Ever wondered if your company is a Great Employer. Here’s what the What the Best Companies Have in Common.
I also want to give a shout out to Nicole and Rob at Red Moose. If you are looking for help with immigration, visas or translation, they are a one stop shop!
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