Blackberry vs. iPhone

Shawnee Love   •  
June 4, 2010

Recently, I decided, despite my reservations, that I need to get another blackberry. Then, I talked to IT Inc. (the guys who I go to for all things technical) and they told me that iPhone was the way to go. Yes, it was more expensive but it would save me money in the long run because it is way easier (i.e., less time consuming and less troublesome and thus less costly) to set up and also to keep it synchronized. Wow, there’s my decision made I thought.

But not so fast. Shortly thereafter, I mentioned my intent to purchase an iPhone to a friend and he asked if I was going through my mid-life crisis. (We are very good friends!) Why do I need all those bells and whistles he inquired? Good question and the debate was on. I posted the poll on my website and asked for feedback and people really came through.

Now because I am sure other people face this exact dilemma (Blackberry vs. iPhone), I thought I would share what I have learned.

Blackberry is great for email. People love the blackberry keyboard. I still remember the first time I tried a blackberry. I thought I would never learn how to type on it, but within a day or so, I was pecking out an email in no time. I wonder if I could learn how to use the iPhone touch keyboard as easily?  (Fear of the unknown definitely causes me to lean towards blackberry.  If iPhone was smart, they’d offer a money back guarantee over the first 30 days to reduce that fear.)

iPhone is great for surfing the net and the apps of course. People love the touch screen and the way web pages look on the iPhone screen. I have to admit, I think the ability to turn the iPhone on its side (to landscape view) is pretty slick. Especially as my eyes aren’t what they used to be now that I am entering “mid life”. I also know that I will want to use my Smartphone for more than I know right now, so those apps might be useful.

Both have good phones although one person pointed out that iPhones are much easier to dial numbers on. That struck a chord with me, because I remember being frustrated with dialling numbers on my old blackberry using the keyboard.

I already mentioned my IT guy telling me that it is easier to set up and synch an iPhone. That’s pretty important. But the poll on my website is currently showing 60% in favour of blackberry and only 40% for iPhone. As I have said before, consulting people is a great way to engage them as long as you take their feedback to heart. But you risk alienating them by ignoring their valuable advice. At 60-40, I will be running the risk of alienating some people no matter what I choose.

And probably my favourite post came from a friend who advised me that I am a “BBerry girl all the way”. You better believe I overanalyzed what that could mean: all business vs. fun, old school vs. cool (wow has apple ever done a good job of positioning themselves as more appealing), or just possibly efficient vs. all over the place. And maybe that was a more gentle way of telling me I am hitting middle age.

One thing I know is that buyers typically don’t make rational decisions. Instead we make emotional decisions and try to rationalize them. In my business, costs are extremely rationale and on that basis, Blackberry is the right choice- at least in the short term. But business needs are also rationale (although harder to measure) and I do a lot of work on the net and need to be able to access the net for all different kinds of reasons while on the road which is why I need the Smartphone in the first place.

So where does that leave me?

Actually, I am still on the fence. If you have information that you think will put me over, please speak up. You can weigh in on the debate on twitter, facebook, or by commenting below. Thanks in advance for your help!