BC adds Family Day

Shawnee Love   •  
February 7, 2013

While no one would argue against February having a stat holiday, BC’s introduction of Family Day on the 2nd Monday in February is bittersweet for employers.

First, it is introduced just as BC is struggling its way out a long recession.  Hence, the extra costs for employers associated with a paid  holiday are difficult to swallow.

Added to that is the fact that BC went its own route in creating Family Day the week before Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta celebrate their Family Day.  As such, employers with employees in other provinces and companies that sell across Canada are now closed on a day their customers and employees in other provinces are working and open on the day their customers and employees are not.

Makes for fun times, but hopefully the joy of a break between New Year’s and Easter will make the extra hassles much easier to take.

Let us know if you have any questions about how to handle the new stat.