Keys to Effecting Change in Your Company

Shawnee Love   •  
February 10, 2011

Change is hard!

Effecting lasting change is near impossible, don’t let anyone convince you differently. It is far easier to begin as you mean to go than to try and change a habit, and breaking a habit is what you are doing when you make any kind of change in a company.  To increase your odds of success, I think five things need to happen:

  • The leadership has to live the change.
  • The employees must deeply believe the change is needed and that the new way is better than the current way and consistent with their values.
  • The rewards and recognition have to support the change, consistently and often.
  • The employees need to have the tools and training to change and to work in the new way.
  • The company’s systems and processes need to encourage and support the change.

Anyone disagree or have something to add?