Creating a Great Work Environment

Shawnee Love   •  
December 29, 2012

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been focusing on great work environments because having a great work environment (and ensuring people know about it) is a great way to ensure you always have the cream of the crop applying to work for you.  This week, I promised I would address how to create that great work environment.  For starters, check out the Top 10 Way to Retain Employees.  If you have those 10 done, you are on your way to a good environment and you can’t have a great environment without having a good one.

To take the next leap to great, you must be a leader who:

  • Is passionate about what her company is doing and
  • Trusts her people are going to get it done.


For people to experience great, they have to find their own passion and purpose in their work.  That usually cascades from a leader with the same.

Sense of Worth

If you believe your people are valuable and deserving of trust, respect, and opportunity, then the work environment you foster will be great for the people who work for you.

Great, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and the people who naturally gravitate to a leader with passion and purpose will usually love the environment that leader fosters.

The paradox I am trying to describe is that to create a great (not just good) work environment, you can’t follow any formula.  It simply becomes great by following the leader.


I leave you with that thought to wrap up this blog series and the year. I look forward to your thoughts. Agree, disagree, have something to add?