Assessing Fit with Culture When Hiring

Shawnee Love   •  
April 10, 2013

One of the biggest reason’s companies should be doing actual interviews is to establish whether or not a candidate fits the culture of the company.  Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours doing interviews and reference checks to weed out candidates who don’t fit and find those diamonds (sometimes in the rough) that can be trained to do the job and have the perfect attitude, values and philosophy to work well in the organizations I am working with.

Applicant tracking systems do a good job of establishing fit with the job, but typically don’t care about fit with culture, so there hasn’t been a way to escape the time investment required to hire.  This problem needed solving and over the last year or so, I have been working to develop a solution with the team at Fitabilitee.

Fitabilitee is an online tool that helps establish how well a candidate will fit in your company based on 6 criteria.  It is free to sign up for candidates and organizations and everyone who completes the registration process gets their own personal or organizational culture “horoscope” after doing the culture survey.

Fitabilitee only collects a $25 fee when organizations link a job posting through Fitabilitee.  Job postings linked to Fitabilitee request all applicants complete the survey to discover how well they match the company’s culture.  The company gets a summary of best fits and maps of how closely each candidate matches the culture. Your time in one interview is likely worth more than $25, so why not try it and save time focusing only on applicants who demonstrate a good fit with your company’s culture.

What have you got to lose?