Handling Ridiculous Salary Expectations

Shawnee Love   •  
January 23, 2014

Have you ever had a great candidate whose answer to the question “What do you expect for salary?” was so high that it was almost impossible to proceed?

The reasons for high salary expectations are varied.

  • Perhaps, the candidate is simply negotiating.
  • It could be what she made at a previous job.
  • A recruiter may have told her to ask for that much.
  • She may have found that salary number online when researching the job,
  • She might be simply out to lunch.

Whatever the reason, it is important to understand two things:

  • Where the number came from and
  • If she truly believes she is that valuable.

If the candidate is starting off ridiculously high as a negotiating tactic, let the bartering begin.  If my experience in a Cairo souk tells me anything, coming to a number that is ? to ½ of her starting point will leave you both feeling invigorated and happy with the result.

However, if the candidate truly believes she is worth the salary quoted to you, (and you are confident your salary range isn’t ridiculously low) then proceed to hire at your own risk.  It is tempting to discuss and debate and negotiate until you get the strong candidate within your salary range, but in my experience, you are merely sowing seeds for future dissatisfaction.

Like it or not, salary is one way people measure their success, and as such, their sense of self-worth is tied to the dollar figure they make.   And while the candidate may not be “motivated by money”, if an employee thinks she isn’t being paid fairly, she will either keep asking for more money until you wish you hadn’t hired her, or she will simply leave when a higher bidder comes along.

Either way, you are better off finding someone you can afford.

What do you say? Agree or disagree, we’d love to hear your comments.