Happiness Virus

Shawnee Love   •  
June 26, 2014

You have probably heard the quote “a team is only as strong as its weakest link”, but have you heard:

you are only as happy as your unhappiest colleague?

Now I know that isn’t strictly true, because if you don’t like a grouchy colleague, their bad attitude might not affect you at all.  However, if you and your colleagues get along, then emotions are contagious.   The happier your peers are, the happier you will likely feel and act.  (Peer pressure at its finest here).  On the other hand, the unhappier your peers, the more likely you will feel unhappy too.

I don’t know whether it is a case of empathy, solidarity or true emotional contagion, but the fact that emotions seem catchy is an opportunity not to be missed. Leaders and managers can harness that virus by modelling (and believing) the emotions and attitudes they want to spread.  What power!  It means smiling and being genuinely happy to see your team members will translate into a happier team, which in turn will effect happiness in other teams and so on and so forth.

Happiness is definitely a “germ” worth spreading.