What Candidates Want Most

Shawnee Love   •  
December 13, 2012

A recent study commissioned by Workopolis found some surprising differences of opinion between employers and potential candidates.

Check out the infographic.  The low hanging fruit I identified for most employers was Gap # 3 and the fact that candidates are seeking a good work environment first and foremost when contemplating a new job at a new company.

To my way of thinking, if you already have a great work environment, then simply promoting it to your target candidates will lead to better recruiting.  (“Better” means more, higher caliber candidates applying often.)

If you don’t have a great work environment, then it is your job to make it as good as you can and then again, promote that fact.  The next two blogs are going to deal with exactly those two points.

Come back next week for tips on how to promote your company as a great place to work and we will learn how to create a great work environment the following week.

Ciao for now.